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Why create a CV with BuzzCV?
Free CV builder
We are completely unique in offering our CV builder and all our CV templates completely for free. We have chosen to release the service completely for free as these are difficult times, and many are unemployed and don't have much money. All our competitors charge for their services, and you are welcome to compare how much you will save by using BuzzCV.
User-friendly CV builder
Our CV builder is created for everyone to be able to get a CV in no time. There is nothing worse than a complicated service that you don't understand. Therefore, we have spent a lot of time making it as user-friendly and easy to use as possible. You simply fill in your information in fixed fields and then choose a CV template that you like. Then you have a CV that stands out and looks professional.
20+ High-quality CV templates
We have created all our templates in collaboration with recruiters to follow all the rules for how a CV should be formatted. Our templates are easy to read and have a stylish design, making the recruiter see that you take your job search seriously. Choose your favorite template here.
Spelling check
We have built spelling check directly into our system to make it as easy as possible for you to write your CV. Our system notifies you as soon as something is wrong so that you can quickly and easily correct it.
Cover letters
You should always include a cover letter that complements your CV when applying for a job. Therefore, we have created templates for cover letters that look the same as the CV templates. This way, you get a uniform appearance on all your application documents.
Free CV examples
We have developed over 100 real CV examples that you can take inspiration from when writing your CV. This way, you can see how others have written and formulated themselves and learn from the best. All our CV examples are completely free .
Personality test
In addition to the CV builder, CV templates, and cover letters, we also offer a personality test. It is completely free to use our test, which is based on Myers Briggs theories of how to read a personality. This is the largest and most accepted of all personality tests. Take your personality test here.
Why is BuzzCV the best CV service
Professional CV templates
Our CV templates are of absolute top quality and are not only more stylish than everyone else\'s but also more advanced. You can customize all aspects of the templates. You can move all sections in your template, change font color, and upload a profile picture. You can switch templates after filling in your CV to test which template you like best.

Writing tips
We have had 10 of Sweden\'s most prominent recruiters write down their absolute best writing tips. We have built these into our CV builder so that you can read them while writing your CV. It is intuitive and very good guidance.

Create as many CVs and cover letters as you want
Since you need a unique CV and cover letter for each job you apply for, we have built multi-functionality into our system. This way, you can create as many different CVs and cover letters as you want. You can choose to copy an existing CV and cover letter or start from scratch.

We collaborate with the largest job search platforms and have built our own job search engine where you can find the latest job openings. You get everything for your job search on one platform.

Join 100,000 others and get a stylish CV completely for free!
Create your new CVCreate a cover letter
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A cover letter is a presentation of yourself and an explanation of why you are the right person for a job. It is in your cover letter that you have the opportunity to create an interest with the employer so he / she will call you for an interview to hear more about you. The cover letter is a supplementary document to your CV that you must always send with your job application.
How to write a cover letter
If you have not written a cover letter before or if you want smart tips and advice that will make your cover letter perfect, we have put together a quick guide for you below.
Read our guide on how to write a CV
Analyze the job advertisement
Start by reading the job ad carefully. There is often very good and useful information in the ad that can make it easier for you when you write your cover letter. For example, there may be questions in the ad that you can answer in the cover letter. There is also information in the ad about what kind of person the company is looking for and why they need help in that particular area. You should use this when writing your cover letter and feel free to answer the questions that exist. If you do this, the employer will see that you are an interesting candidate and call you for an interview where you will have the opportunity to tell more about yourself and why you are the one to be hired.
Customize the letter to the job advertisement
Many people choose to write a cover letter which they then reuse and only make small changes to for different jobs that they are looking for. This is a big mistake that causes you to be sorted out immediately.
Cover Letter Guru Tips – It is costly, in both time and money, for an employer to hire a person. Therefore, it is important for the employer that the person being hired is right for the job. If the person applying for the job has not been able to write a unique advertisement for that particular job, it shows low commitment. An employer sees this directly and low commitment is not one of the factors that an employer looks for in a new employee.
Answer questions in the job advertisement
As we have mentioned it before, there are some questions that must be answered when you write a cover letter. The most important and fundamental questions are:
Why you are interested in the job – The first and most basic question to answer is why you are interested in the job. You need to explain to the employer what it is that attracts with the company and the job that you are looking for. You have to be detailed, it is not enough to write; I’m interested in the job because it seems fun.
Why you are the right person for the job – Next in turn, after you have explained why you are interested in the job, is to explain to the employer why you are the person they are going to hire. Highlight what you learned in your previous workplaces that can be useful to the company and enable you to perform the tasks in a good way.
Highlight your personal qualities in text – Do not just list your knowledge and qualities in a punk list but weave it into your story. The reader can more easily remember a detailed description than a punk list. In addition, it will be more interesting to read.
For example, do you want to highlight that you are a problem solver? Then tell about different situations where you solved problems and how you went about doing it. Not only does it have to be work-related, but you can also make use of situations from your studies or from your free time.
The introduction is most important – Capture the reader’s attention directly with a strong introduction that arouses interest. Start by describing how you found the job, why it caught your interest and why you are the right person.
Market yourself – You compete with hundreds of other people for the job. You have an opportunity to make an impression, so dare to take the turns and describe yourself in the best light.
Always create a unique cover letter – The employer immediately sees if your cover letter is written for their job or not. Spend time on your job search and send high quality cover letters. It will pay off in the long run.
Highlight examples – Tell about your previous tasks and situations where you solved problems. With concrete examples, your cover letter becomes more interesting to read.
Keep it simple and easy to read – All jobs are different but the majority of jobs do not require you to know any special technical language. Therefore, avoid throwing in nice words for no reason, it only makes the text difficult to read.
Skip clichés – Many balls in the air and stress-resistant are words and sentences that the employer has heard thousands of times. There is no value in the clichés. Therefore, choose to write an example that shows that you are good at multi-tasking or that you can handle a high level of stress.
End cover letter – Always end your cover letter with a nice greeting and preferably an invitation or question. For example, you could write that you would like to tell more about how you solved a certain task over a black cup of coffee.
Proofreading – Before sending your cover letter, you should carefully read it at least 3 times at half-hour intervals. Feel free to ask a friend or colleague to read it and provide feedback that you can fix. Then you send your application.
How long should a cover letter be
A cover letter should not contain more text than can fit on an A4 page. It is easy to remember as it is the same rule of thumb that applies to your resume. The reason why it should not be longer is because it should be easy to read and because it should create an interest in the employer.
Customize your template according to the company
You should customize your letter for the company. If the company you are looking for a job with has a color profile that is pink, for example, and a font such as “times new roman” on its website, it may be wise to make your cover letter pink with the same font. This will create a sense of belonging and trust in the employer.
Example Klarna: If you go to Klarna’s website and go to their section for marketing their brand, you will quickly see that pink is their color that they associate with their company. Then it might be smart to make your cover letter pink as well.
Example of company color profile
Example of a cover letter with a company color profile

Example of a cover letter adapted with color to fit Klarna’s design profile
Example of a good cover letter
Below is an example of a good cover letter that you can copy and use for free.
Application for the position as HR manager at
As HR manager at TNTstore, I have had the overall responsibility for a large organization with over 500 employees. It has been a fantastic job where I have developed as a person and manager for almost 6 years. During the period, the company has gone from a few employees to a large organization driven by extremely fast growth. As the staff organization is now optimized for a future stock exchange listing, I feel ready to move on in my career. I am therefore looking for new challenges where I can do what I do best, to build a staff organization from start-up to medium-sized company.
I received your advertised position sent to me from a colleague who thought that “there may be an interesting opportunity with the CV template that I should take a closer look at”. After reading about the position and taking a historical dive into your organization, I feel that the opportunity to work with you is not “interesting” but a perfect match for me.
My name is Max Andreasson, I am 43 years old and grew up in Stockholm. With this cover letter, I want to announce that I am the person you need as HR manager at to get a personnel organization that can keep up with your expansion plans.
Why am I the right person for the job?
My previous experience from TNTstore has given me solid knowledge of how to work with personnel issues in a small organization that is growing rapidly. This is a critical moment in a company’s development where it is important that the staff does not fall behind.
My task will be to guide you past the obstacles and problems that arise in a fast-growing organization so that the CEO and COO can work with what they are best at without friction. With the help of my previous trip at TNTstore, I also have the contacts that will be needed both on the personnel side but also in other areas.I also saw that you, in the ad, write that stress resistance is an important knowledge of the person you are looking for. Which makes me think back to how we at TNTstore ended up in a period of liquidity shortage, which was about to result in an forced mass redundancy announced by the board. For me as HR manager, this was an unacceptable solution not only because it affects the employees on a private level but also because it is strategically never good to get rid of their biggest resource, the staff. I worked out a solution that resulted in us overcoming the lack of liquidity without a single person being laid off, and at the same time our efficiency increased by 70% after the crisis.
I am happy to tell the whole story of a coffee at our future interview and I hope that with the help of this short presentation you have got a positive image of me and what I can contribute to your team.
Let me know about a time that suits me and I will show up
Max Andreasson
Cover letter in other languages
We also offer our service in other languages. If you live in any of the countries below, you can use one of our country specific cover letter services.